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Old 3 January 2012, 21:26
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Originally Posted by Spike Pretorius View Post
Medals should be taken with a pinch of salt. The main function is to raise morale. The military will always embellish the stories. Call it marketing.
Blood and guts called a "pinch of salt"? "War valor" called a pinch of salt?


Must disagree. The military aren't the embellishers, the "doubters" and anti-war MSM are usually the ones that call into question a military award for valor like Sgt. Dakota earned, the MoH.

Originally Posted by Spike Pretorius View Post
Most medals are for arbitrary stuff such as long service, served at such n such place, blah blah. Meaningless really.
"blah, blah"? "Meaningless"?? You, sir, are in the wrong business. We don't do blah blah or meaningless. We go to war to fight for the rights and freedoms of those here in the US as well as those who cannot fight for themselves. I wouldn't classify that as "blah blah or meaningless.. Mebbe I'm reading your post wrong. Please enlighten me.

Originally Posted by Spike Pretorius View Post
Then the ones that do count, the medals for valour, well for every guy who gets one there another 100 nameless guys who should also be getting one.
and every soldier who has earned the MoH for the last 60 years has said the exact same thing. "I didn't earn it, they did"....and they are not "nameless guys", they are warriors who gave their lives and/or sacrificed life and limb for the freedoms of others.

Originally Posted by Spike Pretorius View Post
Me personally, the only trinket that I kept from those days is my beret with it's badge and my marksman badge. The rest went in the trash
Not our fault.

Congrats Dakota, from those who weren't there but appreciate your sacrifice and effort.
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