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Old 20 January 2012, 13:35
destaccado destaccado is offline
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Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by RB View Post

Must disagree. The military aren't the embellishers, the "doubters" and anti-war MSM are usually the ones that call into question a military award for valor like Sgt. Dakota earned, the MoH.

"blah, blah"? "Meaningless"?? You, sir, are in the wrong business. We don't do blah blah or meaningless. We go to war to fight for the rights and freedoms of those here in the US as well as those who cannot fight for themselves. I wouldn't classify that as "blah blah or meaningless.. Mebbe I'm reading your post wrong. Please enlighten me.
"The military aren't the embellishers"

The awards I saw given in the Army were embellished all the time. My own awards make me sound like a good candidate to be the future Sergeant Major of the Army. I've seen my brother-in-law's embellished USMC awards as well so I refuse to believe it's a single-service issue...

In regards to only "doubters" and anti-war MSM" questioning military awards -- what about those of us who have a lot of respect for the MoH award and don't like having hit pieces like this surface later because due diligence of the individuals responsible for issuing the award wasn't properly done? What if the journalist is actually right and the award was embellished or exaggerated? You don't see an issue with that? How do you know him well enough to question his integrity?

"We don't do blah blah or meaningless."

A huge portion of what the military does is "blah blah & meaningless" with a small portion of actual war fighting thrown in by a small portion of the actual force. Have you had your sexual harassment brief, your cultural diversity, your gay-rights brief done lately? Are you up to snuff with your Army Warrior tasks check-the-box training (or USMC equivalent)??? The military even has commonly used sayings about "blah blah and meaningless" - "hurry up and wait", "check the box", etc...

You can't be part of the solution when you don't even recognize the problem...
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