Thread: COL Norton
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Old 18 November 2013, 12:28
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RIP Colonel Norton. He personally had a sit down discussion with every one of the proposed officers seeking to be granted a quota to SFOC with follow on assignment to the 7th Group. He expected officers to have a working knowledge of the roles and missions of Special Force, and be able to articulate that they knew the mission and meant duly to follow it. What he did not tolerate was an answer on the order of (and I heard this from another would-be SF candidate):

"Why do you want to be Special Forces?"

"Because they are the best."

(Reminds me of the Men In Black scene: "Because they are the best of the best of the best, sir!" followed by "You haven't a clue what the mission of this unit is").

Fortunately I had done my homework before reporting to Ft. Bragg and -- PCS'ing from Korea -- I could carry on a semi-logical discussion on indigenous forces and unconventional warfare. He was particularly satisfied that I had formed friendships with ROK soldiers and my KATUSA's.

And he was tall, and bald, but I don't know if that was natural or if he shaved his head.
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