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Old 17 May 2016, 13:45
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Medic09 Medic09 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Land of Enchantment/Bashan
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Rest Well, SOTB.

He and I were certainly on opposite sides of several issues (mostly related to Israel and the ME), but I got early on a glimpse of his class and maturity. Like anyone with class, he did it in private.

I hadn't been a guest here for very long before I could see I didn't much like this gruff, blunt guy who didn't give a damn for any of us Middle Easterners, including Israelis. And of course, I didn't understand him at all. Well, like an ass, I dissed him with a comment on a thread here. The thread, as I recall, had to do with someone's loss or trouble. Rather than squash me in plain sight, he sent me a PM. Paraphrased, he said to me "nobody will really care if you stay here long or not, and I'm sure you won't care much either. But that really lacked class to go at me in that time and place, when the topic is someone else's misfortune. Get some SA." He didn't care that I had dissed him. He did care that I had chosen to do so when and where is was disrespectful to someone else's misfortune here on the forum. So he reminded me to get some class, or move on. Right on target, done just between us. To me, that was an overriding characterization of how I saw the man on here, never having had the opportunity to meet him. Thanks for the reminder, SOTB. If I may use your real name - Rest Well, Andy. This crew has lost a defining institution and character.
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