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Old 12 August 2017, 21:45
Look. Don'tTouch. Look. Don'tTouch. is offline
Join Date: May 2011
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We stopped by last month(around the one year mark) and got to see his permanent marker and pay our respects. My kids asked why it was so important. I told them about what an honorable man he was and how he served his country in the most awesome ways. They asked a lot of questions and I did my best to answer what I could. They were genuinely interested. I think they get it.

Thank you Cass. You leave a wake of admiration and honor that will continue into the future. My children will teach their children this same level of respect. You have made such an impression on so many that will last so long.

I am very grateful for Socnet, as without it I would not have the privilege to interact with such outstanding men and learn so much and gain such perspective on so many aspects of life. Thank you Socnet, for making it possible for my family to get a glimpse into a world they would otherwise be blind to. I appreciate being allowed to be a guest in this house of yours. God bless.
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