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Old 7 January 2021, 16:32
ARCH-E ARCH-E is offline
Society, eh?
Join Date: May 2010
Location: MI
Posts: 939
I've been gone for some time, growing up etc. I was curious about everything going on in the world and wanted to gain some outside perspective. I logged in and saw a few avatars with RIP SOTB and stumbled on this thread. I can't really describe my feelings knowing that South Of The Border passed away, leaving such a hole in this community.

I remember when KidA first joined and how I quietly cheered him on in the Lounge as a fellow punk rocker/Vespa fan, taking his lumps in the Lounge. SOTB seemed to be the first BTDT to break the mold and step up to show public support for KidA. I think it just speaks to an immense desire to be authentic and go his own way. Whether it was about geopolitical unrest, or about your girlfriend's ass... he had his opinion and that was that. With that said, I'll slap a "GAY!" on this post.

RIP SOTB. You are, without a doubt, 1 in 100000000000000000000.
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