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Old 17 February 2009, 22:59
Johan Johan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Too low, too fast, etc.
Posts: 2,268
I am very sad to hear of this. I had known he was ill- and I begin to have great concern when I do not hear from him for some weeks.

Like some other here, I correspond with him a great deal- it is clear he was a great man and he have very positive effect on my life for which I am in debt. A great regret is that I will never have a chance to buy him 20 bier to repay him. If any of his Comrade-in-Arms are ever in San Franciso, CA. area please contact me, I will pass these drinks to you with a smile.

If any of his Friend have a photograph to share, I would be in your debt.

Blue Skies Legionnaire and Marine, I will see you in the Great Hall and we will go "flying for real" like I promised on the earth.

To all of his Friends and Comrade-in-Arms- my sincere condolences.

With great respect,
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