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Harley Busa 28 September 2014 15:38

Trig stood by me with kind words and offers to talk during a bad time.

You'll never be forgotten,

RIP Marine and Semper Fi.

PV74RU78 28 September 2014 16:31

RIP, Marine.

jsmurphy 30 September 2014 09:25

Rest in Peace

Spot379th 8 October 2014 21:30

There is need for more education and support.
In his name, watch for those in need for support.[/QUOTE]

So true.

R.I.P. and prayers for his family.

Linda1961 9 October 2014 04:11

RIP Trig. I hope you found peace. Prayers for family and friends. And prayers for anyone who is experiencing what you did to get you to that point and that someone is there to help you through.

Lord this is so sad.

Miguel 5 November 2014 20:14

Tommy's family and friends set up a ******** page to connect and keep his memory alive. His parents monitor it almost daily.

If you are on ********, just search: Tommy's page - Free laughs, cold Miller Lites, and endless love...

I know they would love to hear from anyone that knew or interacted with him.

djv3 8 November 2014 10:11

TRIG. I am sure that your family love and honor your memory. I trust that you are in a better place. RIP.

WoreOutMarine 8 November 2014 12:12

Hadn't been keeping up with SOCNET for over a month due to new job....Fuck, just found this out....RIP TRIG..Semper Fi Marine.

SF42 13 November 2014 11:38

Man, I just got the news. Been off SOCNET for a while. Trig was a good man. Went thru some training with him and then provided some counsel a few years ago when he was going through a rough time. Had not talked to him in several months. RIP Bro. Semper Fi

bmbsqd 14 November 2014 10:10

Not sure how I missed this. RIP Trig. Your contributions to this site and our country will be remembered.

P304X4 22 November 2014 23:28

Sorry I missed this so long. RIP Trig, thoughts and prayers to those left behind.

This brought comfort to me for a recent loss hope it might help comfort others.

Come hither my child
Where ere thou dost roam
Harken my call
Tis time to come home

By wanderlust carried
O’r land or by sea
Tis time to return
O’ harken to me

The highland and vale
Long shadows now cast
The night soon aproacheth
As day breathes its last

Thy soul is now free
Thy shell cast aside
Rest now I give Thee
In my home now abide

Grieve not thy lost one
Now harken all ye
Home in my Kingdom
They abideth in me

SGTROCK 29 November 2014 08:52

Tommy (Trig aka Crawlspace), I think about you and miss u everyday bro.


The Fat Guy 26 May 2015 00:02

Rest Peacefully, Little Brother, you are not forgotten.

SOW_0331 26 May 2015 00:19

I spent a few hours earlier reading and laughing about the old messages from when our insomnia got the better of us...

I miss you Brother. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. I hope you've found your peace, I'll hoist another Jameson for you.

Rest easy dude.

JAFO 27 May 2015 09:13

It's been a year since I saw you last Tommy. I'll put a Miller Lite on the counter for you lil' bro.

Miguel 28 June 2015 02:49

If you have ********, check this out:

Summer 2015 Tough Mudder - Tommy's Team

I can't wait to see his parents and brothers I have not seen from all over the U.S. since the late 90's.

That little fucker is really missing an awesome time. Still angry but trying not to be.

travelcoord 1 July 2015 19:27

The sadness, the tragedy of this, is gut wrenching. Rest in peace, you deserved far more.

observation post 2 July 2015 02:28


travelcoord 7 July 2015 21:00

Indeed - the signs are tough to see from someone trained to plan missions and lay low, be always aware, under the most extreme of stressors and conditions (understatement). I think the burden to "see the signs" will be here, and in like gatherings online or otherwise. It's not being met by those who are directed by institutions and government "departments" because the majority of those administering programs, working at those desks to do that very thing, have no concept whatsoever of what runs through the minds of warriors, like you. Never will. I can see this clearly from my own, now first hand, experience.
Please, rest in peace, Sir.

Bigdocjay 14 July 2015 09:03

Tommy and I went to HS together....He was a Marine and I a Corpsman...never stationed together....I wanted to get in touch with him and heard in Apr/May about his passing....I suspected "suicide", from the context from the messenger....I'm still not convinced, but Jesus said "Let the dead; bury the dead"....So, I have to move on....Thanks for letting me share and hope to cultivate some trusting relationships from this website....Semper Fi

Chimo 29 August 2015 11:41

It's been a year since Trig left us. I was lucky enough to spend some time with Trigs patens and Marines he served with last night. They are running the Tough Mudder today in his honor. His parents are 2 of the nicest people I have ever met. I can see where Trig got it from.
RIP Brother, you are missed and will never be forgotten!

SOTB 29 August 2015 12:09

RIP Trig, you are sincerely and truly missed -- and I'm ashamed that I never managed to convey that to you before you left us....

just11b 29 August 2015 22:17

Definitely does not feel like it has been a year. Rest easy Marine.

Mars 29 August 2015 22:30

Rest In Peace, Brother!

You haven't been forgotten.

Maas 30 August 2015 01:45

[QUOTE=Miguel;1058486025]If you have ********, check this out:

Summer 2015 Tough Mudder - Tommy's Team

I can't wait to see his parents and brothers I have not seen from all over the U.S. since the late 90's.

That little fucker is really missing an awesome time. Still angry but trying not to be.[/QUOTE]

It's difficult to even go to that page.

You're missed Trig.


The Fat Guy 30 August 2015 09:09


JAFO 30 August 2015 19:26

It's been a year since I received the news of Tommy's death. There is still a hole in our lives without you here. Semper Fi "Crawlspace" You are not forgotten.

8654maine 30 August 2015 19:52

Trig, I haven't forgotten our talks, bro.

Miguel 31 August 2015 17:59

If you go the search bar on FB and enter this: #TommyMudder you can see the pictures from the weekend. It was an awesome turn out. I haven't seen some of those guys in 18 years, and we all quickly went "Full Retard". We had multiple guys from our C Co. 1/3 days that flew in from California, some that drove 10+ hours to be there, it was an overwhelmingly awesome weekend and his parents were blown away. Just can't say enough about it.

Chimo 29 August 2016 17:59

Been two years. Damn. Never forgotten brother.

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