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Old 17 May 2016, 13:47
Steve83 Steve83 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Phoenix once again
Posts: 2,259
Andy was a tough son of a bitch.

I remember him writing about his original diagnosis on this forum a few years ago. The doctor told him that he hadn't long to live. What I believe he said to the doctor, if i recall correctly, was "If I die, I die. I don't care. But if I live, which I'm sure I'm going to, I'm going to punch you in the face for telling me I'm going to die." I believed he wrote about the experience years after it happened so he had quite a run.

He had a IDGAF attitude that I can only dream of aspiring to.

Luckily, for us here, he had something to say about just about every topic. So his personality, his insights and his humor will live on in this place for as long as the websites stays up.

I look forward to helping out whatever is set up here for his wife and daughter.

RIP SOTB, Pinky Tester Extraordinaire.
If the News is fake, imagine History.

People who say "left" and "right" are no longer meaningful terms are all people who until very recently were on the left, and who are now trying to disentangle their self-identity from leftist propaganda that paints the left as virtuous and noble and the right as stupid hicks

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