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Old 20 July 2016, 06:14
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Nimja Nimja is offline
Not a ninja...
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: NC
Posts: 713
The passing of Cass and SOTB reminded me of a moment, that I imagine every man goes through at some point. I looked at one of the older shooters at a club match, a guy who I always much respected, and suddenly realized, that the number of times I would see him again was limited and finite. That whatever wisdom he had to pass, I had to glean in the shortest of times, because there wasn't much time left. And it made me think of how much time is wasted throughout the day, on things that have little value. Cass has reminded me of this moment again, and I wish him well, and hope to honor him, by trying not to waste time, but spend it with people I respect and care about.
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