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Old 21 August 2005, 01:57
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The "Murph" on

August 18, 2005
Thursday 050818

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Post time to comments.

I don't know who posted this, but it's great!
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Old 21 August 2005, 14:38
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Read it this morning, tried it.

Only 50 pull-ups though, and I had to run the 1+1 miles first due to treadmill availibility.

Partitioned as follows.
2 mile run
10 sets 5X1 pull-ups
10 sets 20X1 push-ups
6 sets 50X1 squats

83 minutes.
"First, decide who you would be. Then, do what you must do." -Epictetus
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Old 21 August 2005, 14:57
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You couldn't run the mile down Lejuene Blvd???:D
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Old 21 August 2005, 16:22
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Originally Posted by Silverbullet

You couldn't run the mile down Lejuene Blvd???:D

Remember the old guy that ran down Lejeune and Western Blvd's, summertime, wintertime, all year long I'd see that guy. Can't still be alive could he?
"First, decide who you would be. Then, do what you must do." -Epictetus
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Old 21 August 2005, 17:04
Zulu6 Zulu6 is offline
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Thanks for the information. I will try this and send the results with 48hours. Question, is it with or without body armor or both?

good to go on gear, thanks anyway for comming through I still owe you one when ever you get into the box.

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Old 21 August 2005, 17:15
Gunner_41 Gunner_41 is offline
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If you have the armor/plates, you're supposed to use them if you think you can handle it. I did it yesterday, it was the first WOD I ever attempted. Not so sure that was the wisest move in the world.

1 mile: 8:00
10/20/30 pllups, pushups, squats * 10
1 mile: 9:30

Time- 67 minutes. I thought I was going to die several times. I didn't use the armor, and did OH squats w/rebar first five sets. I'm hooked on Crossfit, only been at the Beginner Workout for two weeks. Give it a look.
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Old 13 October 2005, 05:06
Zulu6 Zulu6 is offline
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Freaking Awesome!!!!

Okay first off let me apologize for not meeting my 48hour time line. Also sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you all. Im home on emergencey leave at the moment. I did the "Murph" but I didnt have alot of time between the burial and getting my shit together to leave so here is what I did. I know this doesnt count and LT Murph and T86 sorry for the modification, Ill make up for it when I touch down. BTW this smoked my ASS, but I love having working outs that leave me smoked.

Uniform BDUs, Boots, Body army (Paraclete RAV)
Wheather 40degrees
Road gravel road

1mile run 9:02
100 sit ups 4:20
100 push ups 6:12
50 squats 2:20
1mile run 8:25
6 pull ups :30
1mile run 8:22

"Ense et aratro
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Old 29 June 2007, 14:02
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As RX'd, with 20lb bodyarmor

Ran outdoors/TN hills -- Highest elevation 991', Lowest elevation 954'/1200hrs-93F-44%Hum
Everything else inside the gym

Time: 51:58::82

RIP Lt Murphy

FWIW, when I go, I promise to leave a cheesecake eating competition as my legacy. Damn, that hurt....
Losing faith in humanity, one assclown at a time....
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Old 29 June 2007, 19:14
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When I saw today's WOD on the Crossfit website I tried to come up with an excuse why I wouldn't be able to work out this afternoon. I have a stomach bug, it's raining outside, I'm tired, etc.....

But after reading trident86's post with the background info....... well, all my excuses just sounded so petty. Shame on me.

So here's my Murph (scaled by 50%)

1 mile
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 squats

(partitioned into 5 rounds of 10/20/30 reps, respectively)

Time = 36:42
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Old 30 June 2007, 11:03
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Ha ha, I too saw it again on CF and thought about this thread, didn't do it this time though, good times.
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Old 30 June 2007, 13:05
Pickpocket Pickpocket is offline
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Like an idiot, I got motivated and did it with the body armor...barely. Pukie the Clown is a good friend of mine. I got fookin' SMOKED.


Hats off, LT!
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Old 30 June 2007, 13:22
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I can't wait to see what workout they make up in honor of Danny Dietz seeing how he would've quite possibly went to the Olympic's instead he went into the Teams. He was a freak of nature when it came to gymnastics.
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Old 30 June 2007, 15:29
Savoy6 Savoy6 is offline
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This looks like a good workout. In this LA humidity and heat you may find me on the side of the road!
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Old 8 June 2009, 19:58
Impavidus Impavidus is offline
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Thumbs up

I got to say that this is my favorite workout. I have only done it twice, but both times I was out of commish for two days following it.

First time: 32:17
Second time: 30:45

RIP Lt. Murphy!
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Old 9 June 2009, 00:50
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I did "Murph," right before the end of my last deployment. I was smoked. Couldn't tell you what the times were...but I did it in body armor, and it took a while. Since then, I got fat, lazy, and out of shape. Working on getting back to it. I think I'll talk to Marco (the coach at lonestar crossfit,) about doing "murph," for one of the WODs soon.
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Old 10 July 2009, 20:34
Ironside Ironside is offline
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Just seen this. Will do Sunday or Monday in memory of Lt. Murphy
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